Sunday, May 31, 2009


I met the girl of my dreams
I held her, I love her, but that wasn’t a dream
She made me feel so special inside
Now I feel like a failure inside

The girl of my dreams was so pretty and pure
The girl of my dreams was so perfect
The girl in my dreams is everything I want
The girl in my dreams is everything that is right
The girl in my dreams talked with me
The girl in my dreams is named Dee
The girl in my dreams showed me who I am
The girl in my dreams showed me what love is
The girl in my dreams showed me how to love
The girl in my dreams I love so much

The girl of my dreams I love you so
The girl of my dreams I hate that you let go
The girl of my dreams you are so rare
The girl of my dreams you for me

The girl of my dreams without life doesn’t seem right
The girl of my dreams without you why put up the fight
The girl of my dreams without you I am not whole
The girl of my dreams without you I feel like I am in a hole.
The girl of my dreams, you are for me
The girl of my dreams is Dee.